Augstākā līmeņa vadītāju treniņš Increase Your Leadership Potential III

2019. gada 14.- 16. oktobris, Sense of Team Mācību centrs


The senior management leadership development program INCREASE YOUR LEADERSHIP POTENTIAL III

October 14-16, 2019, Sense of Team Training Centre


Šo paveicām kopā ar Thomas Bothe

Training in collaboration with Thomas Bothe


Vairāk par nākamo Increase Your Leadership Potential treniņu 25.- 27.05.2020.

More about the next Increase Your Leadership Potential training on May 25-27, 2020

skatīt vairāk

Edgars Šneps

Secretary General, Latvia Basketball Association, Board Member, FIBA Europe

Leaving your devices and daily routine behind to immerse yourself into an intensive, focused and authentic training. Exploring yourself, challenging your habits and getting open and unbiased comments from training peers and trainers. Great balance between theory and tasks. Good job Sense of Team. I’ll be back!