2017. gada 27. jūnijs- 5. jūlijs, Sense of Team Mācību centrs
Pieredzes un neformālās izglītības apmācības Latvijā 2017. gada vasarā, kad 18 motivēti dalībnieki no 6 dažādām valstīm – Latvijas, Rumānijas, Slovākijas, Polijas, Spānijas un Nīderlandes izkāpa no savas komforta zonas, uzņēmās drosmi uzdot neērtus jautājumus un meklēt patiesas atbildes, iemācoties uzticēties, deleģēt un vadīt, kļūstot par spēcīgiem un iedvesmas pilniem jauniešu līderiem.
Šo paveicām kopā ar “Open Sense”
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For me, it was the first time on low and high ropes and it was definitely worth it! Although I struggled sometimes with the circumstances by being cold, tired, hungry or wet, I learned a lot about myself and how I can overcome my fears the obstacles in my mind. I realized that for me being a leader does not mean to be the point of attention all the time and to tell what I think is the best but to facilitate a group process and create the circumstances to reach a certain goal without forgetting to enjoy the process. It was very inspiring to see so many people facing their fears and stepping out of their comfort zone and to be part of this safe group atmosphere which enabled this. This training course brought me new perspectives which I don't know if I would have gained them elsewhere.
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